Model Configuration Generation

The API Template Pack provides a BaseEntity which is used when creating Database model. We also have preference of making use of Fluent Configuration API for the Entity Type Configuration.

To simplify the process of creating your Model Configuration we provide the Model Configuration Template which can be run from the terminal, which create the stub class for you to complete.

By default the template will generate a new Model Configuration class to use MSSQL if you want to use PosgreSQL you can make use of the --postgre switch to generate for postgre

The template makes use of the following parameters

  • --model Name of your Model class to generate the configuration for
  • --name Name of your class to be created
  • --output The preferred output location
  • --postgre optional flag to create a new solution that uses a PostgreSQL database backend
  • --force Forces content to be generated even if it would change existing files. This is required when the template chosen would override existing files in the output directory.
 dotnet new modelconfig --model [Name of model] --output [your output location] --name [Name of you class]

to generate for Postgre use the --postgre switch

 dotnet new modelconfig --model [Name of model] --output [your output location] --name [Name of you class]  --postgre

In the following example we are going to generate a PostsConfiguration class for our Posts Model. Our preferred output location will be Configurations folder in our database project. We will be executing the terminal command in the root of our project directory.

 dotnet new modelconfig --model Posts --output src/Database/Database/Configurations/ --name PostsConfiguration

The Output of this command will be the following class in the Database Configuration folder.

public class PostsConfiguration : BaseEntityTypeConfiguration<Posts>
    public override void Configure(EntityTypeBuilder<Posts> builder)
        // Add configurations

By default we will use the name of the model to lower case as the name of the table. You change this to suit your preferred name

Once the class has been generated you can continue to add your configurations